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A Pirate's Life For Me  // 海盜歷程
Lost Memory // 02001

__This city was founded in 1514 and was heavily fortified in an attempt to prevent attacks from privateers and pirates.


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Havana // Cuba // 1716 // The Fortified City #

Lost Memory // 02002

__Which famous shipwreck sparked the Golden Age of Piracy?


提示︰ 海盜黃金年代簡略講解
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Florida Coast // 1715 // The Wreck of the Spanish Treasure Fleet #

Lost Memory // 02003

__This man was known by many names, among them: Teach, Theach, Tache, Titche, Teatch, and Tack.


提示︰ 傳奇海盜
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 //Bristol // England // 1680 // Birth of a Leagend #

Lost Memory // 02004

__Where did Sam Bellamy's ship, the Whydah, sink?

__Sam Bellamy船長的「Whydah號」沉於何處?

提示︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Cape Coo // British America // 1717-04-26 // From Slavers to Pirates

Lost Memory // 02005

__This settlement wasn't just chosen for its nice beaches, but its strategic location.


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Nassau // The Bahamas // 1713 // The Beaches of Nassau #

Lost Memory // 02006

__Which treaties ended the War of the Spanish Succession?


提示︰ 荷蘭
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Utrecht // Netherlands // 1714-06-26 // Before the Golden Age #

Lost Memory // 02007
__This gentleman got restless and left his wife and plantation behind to try and live the pirate's life.


提示︰ 《黑旗》故事當中會遇到的角色
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Barbados // 1688 // The Aristocratic Pirate #

Lost Memory // 02008

__Which town did Edward Thatch blockade in order to get medicine?


提示︰ 《黑旗》主線劇情
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Charleston // British America // 1718-05-22 // Medical Hostages #

Lost Memory // 02009

What Jamaican city was founded in 1692 after a massive earthquake?


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Kingston // Jamaica // 1692 // Kingston, Jamaica #

Lost Memory // 02010

__When your Letter of Marque is cancelled, what are you?

__當你的私掠許可證(Letter of Marque)被取消後,你從私掠者成為了什麼?

提示︰ 幽默感
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Kingston // Jamaica // 1714 // Unemployed Seaman #

Lost Memory // 02011

__Adriano sends a Morse Code message.


提示︰ 《啟示錄》現代篇故事時間點
答案︰ Desmond 檔案庫 // Caribbean Sea // 2012-10-24 // 02:04 // No News is Good News #

Lost Memory // 02012

__Where were the pirates who ruled the Mediterranean Sea in the late second century BCE found?


提示︰ 時間軸拉到 -200 (意指西元前2世紀)
答案︰ Cilicia // -200 // Pirates of the Mediterranean #

Lost Memory // 02013

__Welcome to the “Wickedest City on Earth”, where slaves were traded, pirates hanged, and most of the town was swallowed up by the sea.


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一的附近
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Port Royal // Jamaica // 1721-03-29 // Pirates Hanged #

Lost Memory // 02014

__The Spanish don't take kindly to having pirates nearby.


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Nassau // The Bahamas // 1716 // The Republic of Pirates under scrutiny #

Lost Memory // 02015

__Who was the most successful pirate of the Golden Age?


提示︰ 誕生於威爾斯,英國
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Casnewydd Bach // Wales // 1682-05-17 // Captain of the Fortune #

Lost Memory // 02016

__This group of pirates, which included Hornigold and Thatch, raided ships together for the better part of a decade.


提示︰ 四代《黑旗》主要大城鎮之一
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Nassau // The Bahamas // 1715 // The Flying Gang #

Lost Memory // 02017

__Which city did the buccaneer Henry Morgan capture and burn in early 1671?


提示︰ 巴拿馬
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Panama City // Panama // 1671-01-18 // The Captain Was Here #

Lost Memory // 02018

__Alexander Spotswood was appointed governor of which colony?

__Alexander Spotswood 被委派為哪處殖民地的總督?

提示︰ 英屬殖民地
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // Virginia // British America // 1710 // Chasing the Pirates #

Lost Memory // 02019

__Thirty years before Victoria ruled the British Empire, this woman carved out one of her own in China.

__在英國維多利亞女王登基即位的 30 年前,這名女性早已在中國沿海建立起自己的海盜國度。

提示︰ 維多利亞女王於1837年即位。
答案︰ The Golden Age of Piracy 檔案庫 // South China Sea // 1807 // The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate #

Lost Memory // 02020

__Barrels painted with a white diamond made a trail to the target.


提示︰ 三代橫跨大西洋的劇情
答案︰ Haytham 檔案庫 // Atlantic Ocean // 1754-05-21 // A Treacherous Journey #


  《刺客教條 3》
  《刺客教條 4︰黑旗》
  Lost Memories
AC︰Initiates 資料庫
