
Charr needs no dodge!

會長:n32ul4xk7 / 今年一定倒開設日:2015-05-26 17:03:08

  • EXP

  • 資金9332  
  • 招募制度:審核制
  • 成員:105 人
  • 昨日人氣:0

Treetop Retriever


近期編輯:n32ul4xk7 ...看更多


於Auric Basin西北區域。找到十具未歸還的修道院學者的屍體。



No. 成就敘述 位置說明
1 A female Asure researcher was last seen north of Wanderer's Waypoint. 一進地圖的地方,Wanderer's Waypoint北邊過橋後東邊崖邊(同平面)
2 Since he went to an upper ledge to examine the Exalted portal, the asure researcher hasn't been heard from. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往南,在Exalted Portal附近找香菇跳上去後的崖邊
3 Someone overheard the Zintl boasting about finding the remains of female charr explorer. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往南南西走,被一堆青蛙守住的崖邊(同平面)
4 Echoes of a male charr explorer fighting a large colony of vampire beasts filled the canopy the other night. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往東南走,過Exalted Portal下方的橋後那座島西邊的崖邊(同平面)
5 A human explorer bailed from the airship too early. She was lost near Captibel Grounds. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往西南方很青蛙村的地方飛,一飛過去就能看到(同平面)
6 Heading east, the explorer was cornered by a jaguar. The human never made it down from the canopy. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往東,過橋後直直走的崖邊(同平面)
7 An injured norn historian held off the bonebreaker so others could escapre. Her sacrifice won't be forgotten. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往東南走,在Exalted Portal下面那層的崖邊(同平面)
8 A lower ledge broke his fall, but then the norn explorer was surrounded byt Tengy scouts. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往下飛一層,在南面的崖邊(往下一層)
9 A sylvari historian got trapped along the northen cliffside of Tarnished Treetop. She had little chance to survive. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後東走,在轉彎的地方往北飛到對岸(同平面)
10 An explorer tried to find his way south and down from the canopy. The sylvari only found a Coztic ambush. 離開Wanderer's Waypoint後往南南東走,被一堆青蛙守住的崖邊的樹幹上(同平面)


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