
EPIC Music 史詩音樂交流

會長:jason1007 / Guy Fawkes開設日:2014-04-08 22:48:30

  • EXP

  • 資金2522  
  • 招募制度:自由加入制
  • 成員:35 人
  • 昨日人氣:0

Future World Music


近期編輯:jason1007 ...看更多

Future World Music

        Future World Music is a custom boutique music library that provides high impact cinematic music exclusively for motion picture advertising. Our tracks are carefully composed and produced to evoke the deepest of human emotions. Our compositions have traditional orchestral elements mixed with modern cutting edge style and production.

A key factor that separates Future World Music from most trailer music libraries is that the music is as memorable and timeless as possible while maintaining a distinct style and originality without "knocking off" or "approximating" a popular motion picture composition or any other music composition. Staying respectful to our fellow composers in the motion picture industry, we refuse to intentionally copy anyone's work.

In this competitive industry, do not settle for the generic music library. We are sure that once you have heard our music, you will understand why we are setting a new standard in music for motion picture advertising.

Future World's clients include New Line Cinema, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, MGM, Columbia TriStar, Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox, The Weinstein Company, Lions Gate Films, and the Sci Fi Channel.

  • 公開專輯
  1. Reign of Vengeance (2011)
  2. A Hero Will Rise (2012)
  3. Behold (2013)

  • 示範專輯
  1. Editor's Toolkit 01 - Drones and Atmospheres
  2. Editor's Toolkit 02 - Hits and Rises
  3. Editor's Toolkit 03 - Percussive Builds and Backends
  4. Editor's Toolkit 04 - Intros and Setups
  5. Editor's Toolkit 05 - Percussive Builds and Backends II
  6. Editor's Toolkit 06 - Trailer Intros, Outros and Hits
  7. Volume 1 - Epic Action
  8. Volume 2 - Epic Drama
  9. Volume 3 - Epic Action II
  10. Volume 4 - Epic Drama II
  11. Volume 5 - Romantic, Holiday & Family Comedy
  12. Volume 6 - Suspense Horror
  13. Volume 7: Evolution (2006) - Epic Action and Adventure (Composers: Armen Hambar, Ryan Amon & Dirk Montapert)
  14. Volume 8: Worlds Apart (2007) - Epic Action and Fantasy Adventure (Composer: Armen Hambar)
  15. Volume 9: Water, Earth & Fire (2008) - Epic Action and Fantasy Adventure (Composer: Armen Hambar)
  16. Volume 10: Immortal Empire (2009) - Epic Action and Fantasy Adventure (Composers: Armen Hambar & Ryan Amon)
  17. Volume 11: Millennium (2012) - Epic Action and Fantasy Adventure (Composer: Armen Hambar)
  18. Volume 12: Zero Hour (2013) - Epic Action and Sci Fi Fantasy Adventure (Composers: Armen Hambar, Aram Mandossian & Vlado Hudec)






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