
Charr needs no dodge!

會長:n32ul4xk7 / 今年一定倒開設日:2015-05-26 17:03:08

  • EXP

  • 資金9332  
  • 招募制度:審核制
  • 成員:106 人
  • 昨日人氣:0



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Herta是第二個會吃Pile of Bloodstone Dust的吃貨。她每天會吃250個Pile of Bloodstone Dust,會像其他吃貨一像吐東西給你但她的東西相對少。
如果在Auric Basin吃的話還會額外給予Aurillium Plating。(BUG中?)


  • 需完成"A Study In Gold"此成就後會解鎖"Where Exalted Dare"成就,完成後獲得。
  • 需持有Extalted Mastery T2、Glinder T5、完成故事City of Hope


A Study In Gold

首先先前往西門,從城內傳到西門後左轉走到底(城外進去右轉走到底)會見到Sage Laural,和他講話他會請你幫他找人並給予你Auric Viewer。
持有這Auric Viewer後和他旁邊的神秘小方台(可以點但不會顯示名稱)會完成A Study In Gold第一項。總共17項,要調查其他16個類似的小方台。


No. 成就敘述 祭壇位置
1 Westgate: Next to Sage Laural 就在Sage Laural的旁邊
2 Legacy Pillars: Southwest 從西門最頂端的北面走到傳點周圍的圍牆上,西南邊
3 Legacy Pillars: Southeast 從西門最頂端的北面走到傳點周圍的圍牆上,東南邊
4 Legacy Pillars: Northwest 從西門最頂端的北面走到傳點周圍的圍牆上,西北邊
5 Northgate: Where Water Flows Vertically 北門瀑布的中間。瀑布中段的前方有一座橋,從橋往瀑布飛即可
6 Eastgate: Where the Falls End and Nature Begins 東門滑水道最頂端、面對瀑布的右手邊
7 Eastgate: A Great View of a Mighty Tree 從北門最高處飛,中途停留在北邊超爆幹大的樹上後二次飛行,最後降落到傳點周圍的圍牆上,東南角落
8 Southgate: Tucked Away Southwest 東南角落中層的牆縫間有個小密道
9 Westgate: The Way Has Decayed Unless Your Fly 西門中層一處懸崖。需要從最頂端飛下來
10 Southgate: Entrance 南門一進去的地方
11 Northgate: Entrance 北門一進去的地方
12 Southgate: You'll Only Be Able To Reach This from Very High Up 從Luminate's Throne沿著山壁一路往南飛
13 Luminate's Throne: The Jungle Grows Even Up Here 從西門旁走到最高點,在很多隻Exalted的房間面對Mastery的左後方的樹叢裡
14 Northgate: Where We Lay Our Masks to Rest 探險任務的房間內,北面最上層
15 Trial Rooms: Heavy Foliage Hides This One 進入地底後一路往北走,在很多植批的走廊旁
16 Trial Rooms: Glint's Words Guide Us 要進入Inner Chamber前的房間
17 Inner Chamber: One Day There Will Be Another 龍蛋房的東側


No.3 & No.7 同一塊
No.2 & No.3 & No.4 & No.7 可以取旁邊的高處互飛
No.12 正常解法需滑翔翼T5,但可以沿路每座塔都降落,並在第四座塔重登後會出現在上方。

No.14 需要Exalted T2以進入探索任務中。
No.3 & No.7 同一塊
No.2 & No.3 & No.4 & No.7 可以取旁邊的高處互飛
No.12 正常解法需滑翔翼T5,但可以沿路每座塔都降落,並在第四座塔重登後會出現在上方。

No.14 需要Exalted T2以進入探索任務中。
No.17 需要完成故事City of Hope的角色才能進入



「最後一位被遺忘者對尊貴者的最終演說」由瓦貝的Bogani the Walker抄寫。
"The Final Speech of the Last Forgotten to the Exalte." transcribed by Bogani the Walker of Vabbi.

1 "You who stand before me are remarkable. We have tested you by trial, and you have pledged yourself to a cause that will change you forever."

2 "The Elder Dragons rise again, and you are called by Glaust to ensure the survival of Tyria. We are entrusting our aspirations for the future with you, the Exalted , our most loyal defenders."

3 "You look upon me and see the sunset of our race. I am the last of the Forgotten."
"It has been millennia since our true name was last spoken aloud, and soon we will be no more. No, do not mourn. We will live on in your work, in your words, and in your battles."

4 "Together, we took the first step toward safeguarding against the six that mean to drain this world completely of its magic."
"One day, you alone will take the final step. The bar of success or failure balances upon your shoulders."

5「遠古時期,巨龍們活動時迫使the Seer為了即將來到的浩劫而放棄魔法儲存裝置。」
5 "In olden times, when the Dragons stirred, it fell to the Seers to set aside a reservoir of magic for the upcoming drought."
"Glaust herself was a defender of civilization, at great risk to herself, and Kralkatorrik understood the depth of her betrayal and killed her for it."

6 "We do not have the divine resources needed to imbue a new Bloodstone with enough magic to prevent Tyria from declining into a state of primitive adversity."
"And so we allied with Glaust, a magical being of great power, to find a way."

7 "Glaust has been known by many names, and even we do not know her true name. She is called Glint in these modern times, and she entrusted us with using her legacy for Tyria."
"We, however, have no guarantee-only hope-that by her legacy we will save Tyria from the desiccation of its magic."

8 "We began our journey among the magical canyons of the Lost Precipice, and when it no longer served us , we moved on."

9 "En route to our final destination, we sheltered in a hollow and performed the exalting rituals, but ultimately, we left there as well. One day, Tarir will no longer serve us, and you will move on.
"Do not fear that day. When it comes, you will know that your purpose has been fulfilled."

10 "And when we arrived here, you created a city worthy of Glint's pride. Your work here pleased and humbled me and the other Forgotten."

11" We raised this haven at edge of Mordremoth's jungle, but no Elder Dragon can touch us here.Our Magic shield the city from them."
"Here you will wait in stasis for the signs, and much time may pass before your awaken to the call."

12 "Your friends and families have no less important a charge. The Brotherhood of the Dragon passed its mantle on to them."
"They are the first guardians of the egg, and only once it nears its time will they diliver it to you."

13 "They're calling themselves Zephyrites after the gentle, ever-moving breeze of their homeland, and none but their inner circle will know their secret mission."
"It may be generations before you are reunited with their descendants, but they are committed."

14 "Glint's legacy is far more than just her offspring, and you must protect it all."
"The legacy's potential will only be realized in the fullness of time when all its piece have developed and become defined in response to the world around them."

15 "The legacy's most essential elements will seed the new dawn of civilization. Thie is the precious treasure we leave in your hands. You must preserve it with no expectation of laurels."
"You too will be forgotten once your duty is done."

16 "As the last Forgotten, I have come to understand the vastness of history and the ephemeral nature of truth."
"Stories of your deeds will warp in the retelling. But, you do not do this to leave your mark."

17 "You do it to ensure that this world you love continues on after you're gone. Glint's dream of a harmonious future can come to pass. Now you carry the torch of her benevolence."

Where Exalted Dare


完成A Study In Gold後解鎖此成就,之後依照指示前往Vinetooth Den撿屍體後獲得。




延伸閱讀:Herta in GW


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