Chrissy Costanza
1995 年8 月23 日出生,今年19 歲,由於並沒有受到過專業訓練。與美國歌手Alex Goot 合作翻唱過Good Time 、One More Night 、Beauty And A Beat 等熱門歌曲,也做成影片放在youtube 上,人氣不斷攀升。是美國小有名氣的翻唱歌手。身高: 5呎1吋 約154公分左右
綽號: Krispy
喜歡的顏色: 紅色 鈷藍色(by google翻譯
喜歡的動物: Lion RAWR!!(CHRISSY自己打的寵物: 一隻兔子 一隻狗
最喜歡的影集影片: Hart of Dixie Carrie Diaries Walking Dead.
最喜歡玩的遊戲: 決勝時刻 黑色行動2(最喜歡當裡面的殭屍
Music "Counting Stars" - OneRepublic (Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza Cover) VIDEO
"22" - Taylor Swift (Alex Goot + Friends COVER)VIDEO
"Heart Attack" - Demi Lovato (Sam Tsui & Chrissy Costanza of ATC) VIDEO
Closer,Faster-Official Lyric Video VIDEO
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ "Beauty And A Beat" - Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza VIDEO
______________________________________________________________________ "Catch My Breath" - (Alex Goot & Against The Current) VIDEO
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Good Time - Cover video (Alex Goot and Against The Current)
"Not Over You" - (Alex Goot & Against The Current) VIDEO